If you are placing more than one order, buying 15 bags of Play Sand and 20 Bags of Landscape Woodchips for example, contact Ashfield on 07967 274344 to discuss shipping options.

Multiple orders can sometimes be combined onto 1 pallet, saving you money on delivery charges.

Fuel Logs

Wood briquettes are a great source of heat for your home in winter and have a wide variety of uses for indoor and outdoor.

Fuel logs are 100% natural, recycled softwood dust and offer you a cost-effective, convenient and eco-friendly alternative for your fire. They’re very easy to light and they give you very high heat very quickly with very low emissions and low ash residue.

Fuel logs are versitile and have a wide variety of indoor and outdoor uses including; Wood Burning Stoves, Open Fires, Fire Pits, Barbecues, Camping, Chimineas and many more.